Monday 22 September 2014

Exploring Estonia: the island of Prangli

Another sunny weekend in Estonia. This time, a friend of Katri suggested going to visit the island of Prangli. Prangli is a tiny island in Northern Estonia. It is accessible by ferry with a one hour ride from Viimsi, the first municipality East of Tallinn along the coast. It takes about 1 hour by bus from Tallinn to reach the port. During summer, there are two rides per day and it is not rare that the boat is fully booked by tour groups.

The little port of Prangli, hosting yachts on a beautiful Saturday afternoon
Every little detail counts to make your stay enjoyable

Not surprisingly, Prangli looks like a miniature Estonia. The island surface is just above 6 square kilometres and its population is around 100 inhabitants. The landscape is similar to the other islands: forests, juniper trees, meadows, boulders along the seaside.

Enjoying the quietness of the Prangli seaside

Although there is not much to visit, it is a popular day-excursion on sunny days. There is a tiny port that fills with small-size yachts. There is a museum and a culture house, a church and one busy restaurant where all visitors seem to go at the same time. There is also a camping. And, on this September weekend, all visitors head back to town with a certain amount of mushrooms. 

After visiting Prangli, locals told me that I have seen more of Estonia than most Estonians.

The Tallinn team of experts studying the local fungi species

Mushroom picking in the forest of Prangli

Our pick of mushrooms in Prangli

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